Mornings… What do most mornings require?
Now we all know coffee every morning is probably not the best thing for your health. But the smell of coffee never harmed anybody.
The kitchen is a place where a lot of families gather around to stories or just some plain old bonding time. What's also in the kitchen, that funky odor from the garbage and disposal. ahj ef as fa f af af a fae afag g ga sg u s gua h jn jb jb a f asg asg asg dsf a
- dry used coffee grounds
- salt or sea salt
- baking soda
- apple cider vinegar
- vanilla (optional)
Small mixing bowl kjdfkj sdfs sdfsdf as sf a fa fd a f af a a sf asf sa a f a f af as fsf
measuring spoon sdfs hjk hkj sd fsd fa f fa f a f gsga a dfas dfa sfa faf s dgsdgsd ga d a fd
sheet pan asdf asef asd fas fa f a g ay af a fa sf asf as fa f af as gg aedf artj ukyuk g try
Now, you may be asking yourself what is she thinking with all these weird ingredients? Just wait. Used coffee grounds are the best way to achieve a cleaner, fresher kitchen, leaving a yummy smell. And also a great way to reuse the ground coffee that usually ends up in the trashcan.jh nsgf uas fu shdf jhsa gf iuh shafgsuf jhsafdjhs hsdf h h isudf ak kjaf iausfh siuf mkl
First you mix all the dry ingredients in a mixing bowl.
-Coffee grounds
-baking soda
Coffee grounds keep the fragrance strong and pleasent. You can also throw this into your garbage disposal and it creates many magical things. The coffee sharpens the blade while the baking soda naturally cleans the disposal and the salt breaks up hard water stains and fritty buildup. j h ku gh ia drg hks jdf hg iu s yd i g u shd i f g u h s d ufg hdi sf g h ids uh f gi
* Stir the dry ingredients up until everything is blended well. Slowly begin to add the Apple cider vinegar to the bowl. The baking soda may start to bubble up just like a science project.
The mixture should start to look like smooth wet sand. Pull out the baking sheet and your measuring spoon, and start scooping out like you would ice-cream onto the baking sheet.
Afterwards, just simply let the coffee bombs dry overnight, Then you can just place them in any kind of jar you would like and place it next to the sink. When needed just drop one down the drain, turn on the hot water and the disposal. And the best part ENJOY the coffee smell with a clean sink. jfhga iujhai jadsfb jb fj u jhiuh iuh iu bj uj hkjb jkb kjba asgfsf fdu uj j kj as fd asfsf j njks
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