Thursday, October 22, 2015


Rain, Rain go away come again another day…..
Okay not really, I love the rain! But really I just cleaned the house and everyone keeps coming in with wet shoes. Fall is here, any nobody can help but step on crunchy leaves. What's better than a doormat to keep everything out of the house. Including dirty shoes and leaf bits. sdf sdf as fs df ads s f saf g  d  dv d fg d  s gfs hf d  gd  h dds  s g dg dfdg

What’s needed: jsf a d f asdf asdf sa fda f h c vs d c f f ff f g sf s dgs dg df g dg g  fg s g s  
  • plain outdoor mat d df gsdfg s dfg dfg dfh dfh dfh fh dsf s d fg df g sdg sdf gd fgs  
  • paint (regular or spray) s dfg sdfg sdfg sdfg sdfg dfg sf sf sf  rf h dfh a a  ga dg fh dh
  • cutting knife s dfg sdfg df dfgdfg h sf sdf gsdf sdf sdf sdg sdg s dg s d g sd  dfs df  fd
  • pencil sdfgdsfg hfgh sjdg djhg kjsh jshd  hfg ks h gk js hfk sfk js dfg sd gd s  fd sh
  • thick poster paper sd jh sd sh ad fa sdf as d gf as  du g hu dy rg ua  hg ua syd giu y
  • ruler jd king  fahd irg ha du ryt iue  y rtiu ye riu ty ie ury iue yt ri ewy ti ywe c cv dfg dg
First, come up with a plan and sketch for your mat. Most mats include a few warm and welcoming words. or you could change it up a bit and add some more graphic designs to it. The options are endless as to what you can do. ask jak hd hjk a s jh k dfh jf jk j s j d f j jg dfg sad fgs aj f d jas jf gs ja fj g j fj gsad fgk ja sd das dkj f h sa k j d  kuuy uyt yt ut
Grab the sharp cutting knife and cut along the pencil marks. Make sure not to rush through the process and keep your hand as steady as possible. The cutting is a little tougher due to the poster board paper but it does make the painting easier. jtg your wtr he were re er y wy w wy w y wy wy  wy wy wy w w yw rwr youth wuwr yw why yu wu hw liu yw euy hwi yw yu yj egrg query query qew uyu yet uhq e tqt tqu tqu yit u yi quitiquit iqy 4 t qi qi
After cutting along the pencil marks, poke through the cutouts and head outside and tape the poster to the mat. * you could also use push pins for extra support* start painting color into the cutout space. Spray more than one coat making sure everything is covered up.
*for paint make sure to get a strong enough to resist the moisture without smearing off.*

 Just let it out to dry before setting it outside and its good to go.

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